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Seeing As Part, And Seeing As Whole

When you see from only a part of yourself, like from your physicality or from your self-image (Nafs), you see only a part of the other...

Unity And Community

To Commune with Unity is true service as Community. The servant of Unity is the servant of the One who is the inmost Self (Sirr) of...

On Seeking and Finding God’s Nearness

Rumi says "The One you are seeking is actually Seeking you!" So try to "find" that One who is Seeking you, in you, and abide therein. Try...

Here Now One

Here.Now.One: From the Doing to the Being to the Knowing of Islamic Meditation Meditation is the very nature of essential Being....

Mindfulness and Heartfulness

When the mind is mindful, it is present. When the heart is heartful it is Presence. The difference between the two is that in mindfulness...

Awareness of God’s Nearness

“May God increase your awareness of His Nearness to you.” This prayer expresses the underlying Truth and essential ‘Goal’ of the Path of...

Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak Dear Friends, As we break with the fasting of Ramadan and celebrate Eid, let us take a step back and reflect upon all the...

Divine Grace and Human Effort

Grace is ever pouring on us from God, as the sun is ever shedding light on all [types of] objects: opaque, translucent, and transparent....

God Begins Where You End

In your seeking of Him, know that God ‘begins’ where your seeking ends. Yet God is known as without beginning and without end. If He is...

Day of Arafat and Eid Al Adha

Yesterday commemorated the Day of Arafat and today, the Celebration of Eid Al-Adha. The Day of Arafat is the 9th Day of the Holy Month of...


The fire of my yearning has died With the water that He provides The stillness has descended With His praises ascended Do not leave me...


Oh my nafs do not take over me Obey your Lord and surrender to Thee In Him, you will find the Joy that you beseech For desires that you...

Sweet Remembrance

I remember You my Lord by calling out Allah Allah Sometimes in low voice and sometime out loud to Then i wonder who is it that I am...


A Poem on nearness Still the ocean inside of Me By Your command Be! And it Is! For truly You are the only one there Is .........

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