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On Gratitude

"To be grateful is to recognize the Love of God in everything He has given us - and He has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a...

Being in Love, or Being Love?

On Love and Loving as Our True Nature: 'Mawwada' as a Qur'anic or Islamic term connoting love, is perhaps best defined or expressed by...

Listening For God? Part II

So, why is true listening and true hearing so important in spiritual practice? In order to fully realize "the teaching", we must "hear"...

Listening For God? Part I

Listening for God?: Hearing with the Ear of the Heart "And they say, 'We hear and we obey'. Your forgiveness our Lord, and unto You is...

Seeking or Finding?

On Seeking and Finding: Rumi says "The One you are seeking is actually Seeking you!" So try to "find" that One who is Seeking you, in...

God's Seeing and your seeing?

God's Seeing and your seeing in Muraqaba: "Great is the aspiration of the eye that wants to see You— is it not enough for an eye that You...

Knowing God Through Remembering Self?

"They forgot God, so He made them forget their own selves." (Qur'an 59:19) What is the link between our self, and God? The short answer...

Who am I, When God is Nearer?

Who am I, When God is Nearer?: To practice Muraqaba is to cultivate a heart sense, a loving and a knowing sense of God's knowing and...

Why Do We Fall?

To Fall is part and parcel of the process of the Journey of human being and becoming, originating with Adam, the Father of Humanity. This...

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